Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby 3 and 4

Mira was potting training Baby 1 Anna before aging her and sister Baby 2 Ashley up.
 Baby 2's Birthday. She aged up into a cute toddler with ginger hair.

Now it is Anna's  turn to age up. She aged up into a cute child. Anna aged up with the genius trait.

Mira begun to teach Ashley how to walk.

Anna wanted to help make some yummy treats to keep around the house. What a sweet little girl.

Mira worked on her Charisma skill for a bit, so she makes new friends faster, and speeds up the process of meeting possible fathers.

Mira invited one of her childhood friends, Stiles McGraw over. One thing she noticed is that Stiles was now a vampire.

Mira told him about her challenge and asked him to take part in it. Stiles said no. After some coaxing, he agreed, but only if she became a vampire first. Mira kissed him as her reply.

Mira and Stiles had a guitar jam session.

Mira becoming a vampire.

Mira and Stiles tried for a baby and a few days later Mira found out she was pregnant.
Anna came up to Mira and asked her mom if she could age up early to help take care of her new brother or sister. Mira wasnt sure to do, so she gave in. To be fair she decided to age up Ashley as well.

Anna on her birthday becoming a beautiful teen. Anna aged up with the Computer Whiz trait.
Anna and her little sister, Ashley.

 Ashley becoming a child. Ashley aged up with the artistic trait.
The cute vampire baby belly.

Mira went into labour. She had a girl, wait two girls. Welcoming twin girls Amanda and Alyssa, babies 3 and 4. 96 more babies to go, which is a long way yet.

Baby 3 Amanda. Amanda was born with the Brave and Athletic traits.

And Baby 4 Alyssa. Alyssa was born with the Genius and Virtuoso traits.

* I lost some of the pictures somehow, which is why i didn't show Stiles biting/turning Mira. Sorry

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby 2

Mira feeding baby 1 Anna before taking Anna to the park because it was such at nice day outside in Sunset Valley.

While Mira was at the park she met a handsome man whose name was Christopher Steel.

Mira quickly befriended Christopher and told him about her baby challenge. Feeling bold she asked him to be baby daddy for baby number 2.

Christopher said sure and Mira invited him back to her place. They soon heard the wonderful chime signifying their successful conception of baby number 2.

Birthday time for baby 1 Anna.

Anna aged up into a cute little toddler with her fathers darker hair and brown eyes.

Mira decided to teach Anna how to walk  when she had the most time available, which was now.

Only to be interrupted by some lovely nausea.

Mira was finally showing.

Teaching Anna how to talk.

More baby belly.

Mira finally went into labor.

Introducing baby 2 Ashley Winters. Ashley was born with the good and virtuoso traits.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby One

Before Mira was to start her challenge she decided to learn a few skills first.

First Mira learned the cooking skill to help look after herself and her future children. Mira didn't want them to be starving once she had them and also be subject to bad cooking now did she?

Next Mira worked on her handiness skill. Once there were kids running around the house, who know what might break and when. And sometimes those repairmen were expensive, especially with her current financial situation.

Mira then bought her self an easel and a guitar for when she need the extra money. Plus the easel would be good if her any of her children had the artistic trait much like herself, or if they wanted to help their mommy out.

Mira practicing her guitar so when is is pregnant could possibly play for tips.

Mira's first complete painting.

Mira decided that she was going to get a stay at home profession. Mira headed down to they city hall and became a painter.

While Mira was at the city hall she met a cute looking guy. His name you may ask? Conner Frio. Mira quickly befriended Conner and told him about her 100 baby challenge.

Mira asked if he would be interested in becoming baby daddy number one. He looked interested and said sure. Mira invited him back to her place. Mira immediately tried for baby when she got home, but he turned her down. Turns out he was too tired.

Mira and Conner went to sleep. The next morning when they were both awake and fed, Mira tried again and heard the wonderful pregnancy music. Soon after Mira began to feel queasy and couldn't quite figure out why. Mira barely made it to the toilet.

A couple days later Mira finally began showing.

More baby belly.

Finally it was time for the baby to come. Mira was in too much pain to do it on her own, so she went to the hospital where Conner met up with her.

Meet baby one Anna Winters. Anna was born with the Couch Potato and Loner traits.